Why Trying to Get a Discount Can End Up Costing You
Why always trying to get a discount can cost you big! The types of market you can almost always get a discount in - and why you want to stay away from them! What you MUST focus on when investing in property (and no, it's not always the price you buy it for)
A Message to NSW’s New Premier
With Sydney property prices at record high and affordability at record lows, there is a lot of talk about trying bring Sydney prices down (ie: make housing more affordable). In fact, this is one of the priorities the new premier has committed to. I, for one, which her all the best. Watch this video to discover… - 8 Ways the NSW Premier Could Try to Make Sydney Property Prices More Affordable - The Only Way She Can (And Why I'm Betting She Won't Take This Path!)
February Sydney Market Update
There is a lot of confusion about the Sydney market right now. Some people say to invest. I’ve been saying for a while that most people should stay away. So in this February market update, the facts speak for themselves. Some people can invest in Sydney but most shouldn’t. So watch this video to discover why… Why Sydney Price Growth Rates Can Be Misleading Why Only the Rich will make money in Sydney in the coming years Why Investing in a Sydney apartment in 2017 for most people is a recipe to lose money... even though there is no crash ...
Should You Buy An Investment Property In Sydney This Year?
A common question I’m receiving right now is, “We understand Sydney is at the top of the cycle and has had some amazing growth. But shouldn’t we invest in Sydney anyway because, over the long term, we’ll still make some money?” I think that’s a great question and in this video, I answer that in detail. I look at: What investment strategy you should employ if investing in Sydney Why chasing high rental yields can be an expensive mistake Why strategic investment (rather than speculative investment) is a faster way to create wealth. Want some assistance investing in property in ...
Not Sure If Someone Will Rent Your Property?
The most common concern people have when buying an investment property is: “Will my property rent?” It’s a very valid concern and so in this video, I give you the 3 questions (plus a bonus one) to ask before you buy an investment property. Knowing what these 3 questions are will help alleviate your fears, as well as help you to avoid making an expensive mistake. Watch this video to discover: What vacancy rate to aim for – and why Why capital growth predictions and infrastructure investment is not enough to ensure a successful investment The question that the vast ...
Why I Expect SE QLD to Outperform Other Markets
Why SE QLD will outperform all other state markets in the coming few years Why much of the popular research is flawed - and how to ensure you don't get the wool pulled over your eyes The major drivers of expected capital growth rate in the various states Want some assistance investing in property in High Capital Growth locations that costs you no more than a cup of coffee a day? (And may even put money into your pocket every month?) Then leave us your contact details here and we’ll contact you. To your success, Niro Investment Rise
What to Expect in 2017
[vc_row animate=""][vc_column][vc_column_text] What my predictions were in 2016 (which came true and which didn't) What I expect to see happen to interest rates... and how that will affect the market Why there are still some great investing opportunities... for the strategic investor Want some assistance investing in property in High Capital Growth locations that costs you no more than a cup of coffee a day? (And may even put money into your pocket every month? Then leave us your contact details here and we’ll contact you. To your success, Niro Investment Rise[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
Why Capital Growth is the Best Way to Secure Your Financial Future
Why Einstein called Capital Growth the 8th Wonder of the World Why Capital Growth needs to be the ultimate goal of every property investor (Hint: You're going to make more money) How to make money in low growth markets Want to start 2017 off on the right note and get an investment property in a high capital growth area that costs you no more than a cup of coffee a day? (And may even put money into your pocket every month?) Want some assistance investing in property? Then leave us your contact details here and we’ll contact you in the ...
Banks Raising Interest Rates Outside of RBA Movements
Last week, I put out a video where I said I expect banks to start raising their interest rates independent of the RBA from the start of 2017! I was wrong. They started to do so from December 2016, before Christmas! So this video, I outline: How you can benefit from banks raising interest rates Who will be the big losers as banks start to raise their rates outside of the RBA Why the old school thinking of saving your way to wealth is dead! Would you like some assistance investing in property in high capital growth areas that cost ...
Investing in Australia’s Next Boom Property Market
I've been talking a lot recently about why South East QLD is expected to be Australia's next Boom property market. In this video, I talk about the top 5 concerns people have mentioned to me including: Where the jobs are coming from in QLD Why investing in Sydney could lead to short term pain Why floods are not a concern when investing in QLD... if you buy this type of property What to look for to virtually guarantee your property will get rented easily Why QLD is expected to be the strongest economy in the country for the coming few ...
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It all begins with a 30 minute phone call with our founder and director Niro Thambipillay