Here are 7 great reasons why choosing Investment Rise is the smart, obvious choice… and why you can trust us to deliver.

Our clients keep telling us we are ‘the obvious choice’ when it comes to choosing the right Buyer’s Agent. There are many reasons why they say this. Here are 7 of them.

Great Reason #1

A Complete ‘Done-For-You’ Solution

This means we do it all for you. You invest a one-off fee for our services and we do the rest. From securing the right property, to handling the negotiations so my clients get the best possible price, staying in contact after the purchase, and everything in between, you get it all done for you.

Not only that, I have a network of trusted professionals standing by, ready to work on your behalf if you need them. For example…

The right conveyancer (property lawyer) for each state that we end up buying for you.

The right finance broker who can help get you the loans you need (if you don’t already have your own broker).

The right property manager in the suburb that we target for you that will get your property rented fast.

The right building and pest inspectors who will go through your property with a fine toothcomb before you buy… this ensures there are no nasty surprises after you buy.

Anyone with even a little experience with property investing will tell you this list is GOLD! It would take you a lifetime to build these contacts yourself.

Great Reason #2

Hidden Gems That Are Almost Impossible to Find

Because of my network of professionals I’ve built up over the years, we scour the country for what I call ‘windows of opportunities’. These are properties that are undervalued, yet situated in suburbs set to boom.

Timing is critical. We get in first, before everyone else catches on, and before the price rises. This way I can negotiate the best price possible for my clients… a price they could never get doing it all themselves. This means my clients can expect maximum growth and strong cash flow.

Great Reason #3

Invest Australia-Wide

I’m not limited in where I can buy for you. There are 15,000 suburbs in Australia to choose from. With my team of trusted professional advisors spread throughout the country, I get access to markets right throughout Australia.

This means you get access to the hottest deals throughout the country which gives you the unfair advantage over other investors.

Great Reason #4

Trusted By Clients & Experts Alike

I was recently voted by APAC Entrepreneur Magazine as one of the most trusted professionals in the industry.

This meant so much to me.

That’s because one thing that’s absolutely clear to me is my continued success is built on trust and the relationship I build with my clients.

And it’s this trust that keeps my clients coming back for their next property.

It’s one of the reasons over 50% of my clients come back again to invest in another property.

Many come back multiple times.

Great Reason #5

No Investing Experience Needed

Forget about spending hundreds of hours watching videos. Or wasting thousands of dollars on overpriced seminars. Or late nights looking online for properties, only to come away with a painful headache and more confused than ever

I’ve done the hard yards for you so you don’t need any investing experience.

When you hire me, you get to reap the rewards of more than 20 years of real world investing experience.

Great Reason #6

Save Time

“My only regret is I didn’t contact you sooner.”

I hear this so often from my clients. They wish they could go back in time and hire me years go.

They realised they spent so much time thinking about investing and learning about investing that before they knew it, years had passed and nothing had changed.

And when they were ready to invest, they had put it off. They weren’t sure. Something stopped them from moving forward.

Don’t let this be you.

The best time to invest is now, not later.

My experience puts you in the game today, not tomorrow.

Great Reason #7

A Reliable Way to Build Wealth

Investing in property is still a reliable and predictable way to build wealth and financial security.

It gives you passive income and gives you the freedom of choice when it comes to retiring.

Plus, property is generational…meaning, you can pass the properties down to your children if you wish in the future.

You also get to redirect some of your tax dollars towards building your wealth, rather than giving it to the government to flush down the toilet.

And even though investing in property is not a get rich quick scheme, it keeps on accumulating your wealth, year after year like clockwork.

Isn’t it Time to Turn Your Dreams of Investing into an Exciting New Reality?

If so, and you want to invest in residential property so you can build financial security and leverage your income and assets…

Then the next step is to book a free, no-obligation call with us.

Simply press or tap the button below…

This takes you to a page where…

  • I give you the facts about our service and why we are different
  • I show you our track record
  • I let a few of my clients tell you about their experiences with us and why they say “We are the obvious choice”
  • I let you know the kinds of people we can and cannot help

Once you’ve gone through it, and you want to get started, book your call at a time that suits you.

Just imagine…

If we decide we’re the right fit on our call, I’ll get the ball rolling at this end and you can sit back, relax, and know you’re in safe hands.

And many times, within a few short weeks from our call, we’ll have found you the perfect property to suit your budget and wealth goals.

If all this sounds good to you, book your call now.

And get excited.

You are one step away from turning your dream of property investing into an exciting new reality.

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